Text: Virginia Mórtola - Illustrations: Lucía Franco
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Galia’s curiosity is wide and deep like the ocean. Beneath her curls, her head is full of questions that she doesn't dare to ask. Since school started, her silence has grown heavy like a whale. And the only one who knows her secret is her grandmother. "You can do it," her grandmother says with a turtle-like gaze. Can she?
Galia tiene una curiosidad ancha y profunda como el océano. Debajo de sus rizos, su cabeza está llena de preguntas que no se anima a formular. Desde que empezaron las clases, su silencio es pesado como una ballena. Y la única que sabe su secreto es su abuela. «Vas a poder», le dice con mirada de tortuga. ¿Podrá?
Hardcover - 32 pages - Language: English - Dimensions: 9 x 0.4 x 9 inches - Age Range: 4 to 7 years old. ISBN: 9781946071460