1st and 2nd Grade Teacher Bundle

Syncretic Press

Regular price $130.45
1st and 2nd Grade Teacher Bundle
1st and 2nd Grade Teacher Bundle
1st and 2nd Grade Teacher Bundle
1st and 2nd Grade Teacher Bundle
1st and 2nd Grade Teacher Bundle
1st and 2nd Grade Teacher Bundle
1st and 2nd Grade Teacher Bundle
1st and 2nd Grade Teacher Bundle
1st and 2nd Grade Teacher Bundle
1st and 2nd Grade Teacher Bundle
1st and 2nd Grade Teacher Bundle

We partner with experienced Spanish teachers nationwide to assemble this teacher bundle. Here are the 10 books included, as well as some content notes that can be of help. - FREE SHIPPING!

1 - ¿En dónde viven?

All animals need a shelter to care for their young ones, store food, and protect themselves from bad weather and predators. Some build their homes. Others find them in nature.

 2 - La gran fábrica de palabras

Picture book to reflect on the words we need, to say what we feel, but also on how we can say things without words. Sweet and powerful story on the power of communication.

 3 - La tortilla de papas

Circular story, with collage illustrations, to work on sequencing events and descriptive vocabulary.

 4 - Mateo y su gato rojo

A child take, on a child's challenge, with an open end, to spark imagination, creativity, thinking and problem solving skills.

 5 - El ABC de colores

Brief texts that introduce and repeat each letter using high frequency, environmental words, fun images, witty questions and ideas. The format of texts can easily be reproduced for reading groups and word work centers.

 6 - Hipo no nada

Learning about our strengths, taking risks and appreciating ourselves can be a lot of fun, says a hipo, in this beautifully illustrated story about self discovery. Helps develop predicting strategies and comprehension skills, because of the repetitive nature of text, including lots of context clues and images to facilitate comprehension.

7 - Diario de un hada

8 - Diario de un monstruo

9 - Diario de un ogro

Amaze kids with surprising and never revealed facts about their favorite characters, to help them understand how characters feel, think and act, to create descriptive posters and texts, to explore the possibilities of rhyme for song making, to learn how to ask imaginative questions and then quiz friends, and more.

 10 - El sol de Otto

Introduce the 'inquiry approach' with this story about an octopus who is curious about the sun. Listening stories, asking questions, consulting experts, brainstorming and making sense of ideas, collaborating with friends and taking risks. Children will enjoy recreating this story using the 'maker approach', with play dough characters, following their own interests to create their own stories.